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Web directory s en Bas-Rhin

2 webs in Bas-Rhin.
picture of Artiste et Coach

Artiste et Coach
And if the time had come to reveal your own wonders ?

Find Joy, Confidence and Inspiration again with

Muses en Nature

« Muses in Natur » is a process to explore woman's nature in order to get a better self-knowledge.
Also to take up again with our own interiority, ressources and deep aspirations to recover
enthusiasm in one's life.

Taking part to the process « Muses in Nature » improves the level of personal development and activates self-confidence. It can be specially efficient to persons who are in the following situations :
•Need to gather strength deeply and leave the stress behind
•Need to reconnect with one's deep identity
•To recover one's confidence and a positive dynamic
•To recover joy and inspiration

I suggest you to explore the theme of the muse which lies in every woman and in fact in every human being. After a time of face to face conversation, I come with you amid the nature to live a sensory experience meeting the elements. Slightly behind you, I immortalize the moments of free expression with nature by taking photography shoots. The shoots are given to the woman.

After several years spent in a binational and audiovisual company, I felt really needed to find the essential values.Trained in psychotherapy and coaching, I spent my time between the support of self-expression and my own artistic activity. Being a multiform artist (painting, ceramics, photography, dancing), I exhibited this year a sery of ceramic works on the theme of « woman's nature » at the European Council in Strasbourg.

For more details, contact me :

Fanny Dangelser / 06 10 07 77 35
fanny.dangelser@consciencecreative.fr - www.consciencecreative.fr


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